I found in my closet two pairs of old jeans that I wore when I was skinnier (almost 15kg ago!), and today I want to see how they look on my new body.. I sweat for the effort, damn! They both stop under my majestic butt (with black thong on), I pant and gasp, but they don't move! My hips are too large and the jeans are stuck on my legs.. damn! I am too big for my old skinny jeans.
I found in my closet two pairs of old jeans that I wore when I was skinnier (almost 15kg ago!), and today I want to see how they look on my new body.. I sweat for the effort, damn! They both stop under my majestic butt (with black thong on), I pant and gasp, but they don't move! My hips are too large and the jeans are stuck on my legs.. damn! I am too big for my old skinny jeans.