Your new psychiatrist is a Feeder! [£ ]
My Rating:
Category: Gaining Weight
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 9/17/2024


You are determined to change your life: no more junk food, no more porn videos of girls gorging themselves, no more spending money online to buy food from unknown models. Time to talk to a doctor!

Too bad you find me , a psychiatrist determined not to let go of her fat patients .
And why should I? Fat men are so sexy, and I want to see them gain more and more weight... and you are no exception.
Give up the gym, proper eating habits, and throw out all the healthy food in your house.
I want to know you only eat take-out junk food!
Too expensive, you say? Here's my cr...

Your new psychiatrist is a Feeder! [£ ]

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