Back for another therapy appointment and the first thing you notice in my tall knee high leather boots while I go over your notes from the previous weeks. I’m bobbing my leg up and down and you complimented them, I’ve noted that you seem to notice my foot wear quite often. I lament how hard it is to keep them clean, sometimes... But on to the subject of you. Your dating adventures have not been going as planned? Well, tell me. What’s wrong?
You find your dates BORING? Really? How so? You’re going out, doing things, conversing and still no spark? Hmmm, Well, I think you shou...
Back for another therapy appointment and the first thing you notice in my tall knee high leather boots while I go over your notes from the previous weeks. I’m bobbing my leg up and down and you complimented them, I’ve noted that you seem to notice my foot wear quite often. I lament how hard it is to keep them clean, sometimes... But on to the subject of you. Your dating adventures have not been going as planned? Well, tell me. What’s wrong?
You find your dates BORING? Really? How so? You’re going out, doing things, conversing and still no spark? Hmmm, Well, I think you should keep trying! You don’t want to be a loser. I mean, you don’t want to lose out on an opportunity! Alright, here is my professional conclusion to the situation. A solution, if you will! We can start a guided meditation session, put your arms up on the chair, relax, deep breaths in through the nose and then out through the mouth. You feel the tension releasing. Breathe again, nice and deep and I’m going to set up a scenario while you close your eyelids.
You find yourself in a room with your psychologist, but she’s in workout clothes and looks a lot more fierce than usual. Aggressive even. You listen to her voice, back in the office, guiding you while meditation Madalynn approaches and flexes her biceps, triceps, lats, obliques and glutes. Next image is of her with fists up trying to coax you into fighting. You have no idea what to do and while your guard is down she kicks you right in the balls and drops you to your knees and laughs, points and flexes in front of you. Seeing an opening, she slides in and puts you in a choke hold while wrapping her legs around your body. Squeezing tight. She’s got you already and soon you’ll have to be here slave because you can’t escape her tight grip. You’re fading fast. She leans in and whispers “Just give it up, pussy”. She stands over top of you mocking, flexing and proving you were no match.
When the meditation is over, you’re on the floor and Madalynn is standing above you with a chastity cage in hand, she smiles and leans over touching your stiff cock. She talks calmly and starts stroking you. You have no idea what is going on, what has happened, how did you get down here? Was that real? Oh this is most definitely real. You look at the chastity cage and Madalynn tells you not to worry about that until your balls drained, this is part of the new treatment plan. Once she gets you off you are caged and to report back for your next appt.
At your next appointment you see the keys on her necklace chain, and you’re cleaning her boots being the perfect servant to a strong and powerful woman. You’ll have nothing to worry about ever again, with Madalynn in charge.