Today, Annemarie wears transparent mocca stockings on her feet and white sandals with a mini platform on high pointed heels. On the floor in front of it is a toy tractor with a siding and a motorcycle with a small palm tree. Madam walks around the toys and shows them her pointed heels. As he walks around, he suddenly steps on the green siding with his right sole. Something crackles, but ma'am goes on. Then he steps on the motorcycle again with his right sole. It tears the chassis from the bonnet. Again walked on. When he turns, he steps on the palm tree with his right sole. The whole palm d...
Today, Annemarie wears transparent mocca stockings on her feet and white sandals with a mini platform on high pointed heels. On the floor in front of it is a toy tractor with a siding and a motorcycle with a small palm tree. Madam walks around the toys and shows them her pointed heels. As he walks around, he suddenly steps on the green siding with his right sole. Something crackles, but ma'am goes on. Then he steps on the motorcycle again with his right sole. It tears the chassis from the bonnet. Again walked on. When he turns, he steps on the palm tree with his right sole. The whole palm disappears under its sole. He then separates the tractor from the siding with his left foot. On the next turn, the tractor gets between the heel and the sole of the left foot. Another turn and the tractor finds itself again between the heel and the sole of the left foot. After the next turn, her heels begin to do the job. The right heel hits the tractor and the left heel the chassis of the motorcycle. Then just a terrible sight. The camera is very close to its sharp heels. Her heels crush the tractor into small plastic pieces. The motorcycle cover deforms after being hit again by the heel. She can't withstand the enormous pressure under the weight of her whole body. From under her heels echo the terrible sounds as crushes, breaks and tears plastic. But Annemarie goes on. With his right foot, he pushes in a separate siding. And he immediately pierces her with his left heel. Then again. He has the remnants of a tractor pierced on his left heel. And with such a heel he will also start crushing the siding. Everything deforms and breaks. And that crackling sound. Her heels will destroy everything they stand on. The tractor wheels are completely flattened and deformed. We see everything in fine detail as the plastic ends under her heels. Her fingers wrapped in transparent stockings are just in front of the camera. We see the structure stockings and her painted nails. Under her flattened fingers, as she pushes with her weight, we see the remains of a tractor and a motorcycle. Also fine stockings and transmit such enormous pressure. Her hard heels completely destroyed everything on the ground. Nothing left whole. Silver motorcycle chassis, wheels on a tractor and a small palm tree, everything is pulverized. When nothing can be destroyed, madam leaves. As she walks, we see the remnants of red plastic sticking out of the tractor from her soles. Annemarie ignores it and walked on. When he sits down he shows his soles from below. It has pressed-in residues from the tractor and one wheel from the siding on the soles. Madam laughs and pulls the plastic down from her soles. All she has left is a wheel and a small plastic that she can't see. Then he folds his leg and shows the stuck plastic on the sole again. At the same time, it stands again on the sole where the wheel is pressed. But madam does not perceive it and enjoys a job well done. This was a very devastating clip. This clip is in FULL HD resolution in 1980x1050pix. See also all categories for super fun.