(1080-HD) You've recently entered a contest to win a meet and greet with the infamous Wonder Woman and lucky for you, you WON!!! This has been a life long dream of yours and now you finally get to meet her and plan to ask her for a few pictures and to sign some photos you've collected over the years. However, your plan is a bit more devious and twisted than you like to admit and Wonder Woman is in for a hell of a surprise. Wonder Woman arrives at your place and as always is in great spirits and eager to meet her #1 fan, she happily greets you and even tells you what a lovely home you have. ...
(1080-HD) You've recently entered a contest to win a meet and greet with the infamous Wonder Woman and lucky for you, you WON!!! This has been a life long dream of yours and now you finally get to meet her and plan to ask her for a few pictures and to sign some photos you've collected over the years. However, your plan is a bit more devious and twisted than you like to admit and Wonder Woman is in for a hell of a surprise. Wonder Woman arrives at your place and as always is in great spirits and eager to meet her #1 fan, she happily greets you and even tells you what a lovely home you have. You immediately tell her how much you love and admire her for all her bravery but mostly her curves, Wonder Woman ignores the "curves" comment and proceeds to the autograph book. She opens it up and says "are these for me to sign?" To which you reply "YES" and hand her a pen, as she's signing she notices all the pictures in the album are of her ASS. A bit uneasy she still continues to sign until she realizes you're staring straight at her ass as she's bent over the counter signing. Wonder Woman says that's highly inappropriate and she thinks it's time for her to leave, you beg her not to answer apologize and ask for a few "superheroine poses", she agrees. As she's posing, again you make a sly remark about turning around and showing off those "WONDEROUS CURVES" at this point she's had enough and goes to leave. That's when your special powered flash camera goes off dazing her in her tracks, Wonder Woman is a bit shaken but composes herself and tells you she'll be taking you for your mischief. As she gets closer to try and grab you, you take another picture of her completely mesmerizing her, now she's at your mercy and command. Unfortunately, you underestimated her ability to withstand mine control and she quickly comes back to herself and in a panic you quickly take another picture and with each flash that goes off she goes deeper and deeper into a submissive state. Now you have her exactly where you want her and command her to do slutty poses, bend over and even tell her to pull her tits out and shake and bounce them for you. Wonder Woman does as she's told but again fights with all her might and breaks through once more but this time you're going to make sure she stays under log enough for you to get exactly what you want, a nice WONDER FACIAL!!! The flash goes off one last time and Wonder Woman is under your control, utterly mesmerized and ready to take whatever you throw at her, in this case your fat cum load. You begin to stroke your cock and demand she suck your cock and finish you off into her face, Wonder Woman drops to her knees begins to suck your cock and before you know it you're blasting your load all over her pretty face. Wonder Woman snaps out of it completely ashamed and humiliated by the whole ordeal and swears she'll get justice for this, you laugh and tell her to smile for the camera. *FLASH*
Looks like Wonder Woman has a new arch nemesis and that's YOU...