Your old teddies used, mistreated and crushed
My Rating:
Runtime: 23 minutes
Date Added: 10/12/2021


For a long time one of your old beloved teddies was used as a doormat - lying right next to my door and used to clean all of my shoes - and my guests' shoes - when entering the flat. It was trampled carelessly under high heels, dirty boots, jogging shoes and many more pairs - by now it's almost impossible to tell it was once a teddy! I'm sure it hurts you to see this teddy getting treated like this after you've cared for it for over 50 years, but its fate is sealed! And I've another one of your old teddies as well - it should have been thrown away long ago as well, but I'll give it a last p...

Your old teddies used, mistreated and crushed

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