1.Jennifer: Stop Her Interfering (7 minutes 01 seconds) Jennifer serves on the member of the board of a company that the original founder wishes to sell to a competitor. The board is hung which blocks the sale, so the founder decides to adopt a drastic decision to prevent this happening in the final meeting where the vote will set the sale in motion. The most vociferous objector in Jennifer, and without her it is likely that things will run a lot more smoothly. On the big day, the founder goes to Jennifer's home and catches her just as she is about to go into the office. He makes her dr...
1.Jennifer: Stop Her Interfering (7 minutes 01 seconds) Jennifer serves on the member of the board of a company that the original founder wishes to sell to a competitor. The board is hung which blocks the sale, so the founder decides to adopt a drastic decision to prevent this happening in the final meeting where the vote will set the sale in motion. The most vociferous objector in Jennifer, and without her it is likely that things will run a lot more smoothly. On the big day, the founder goes to Jennifer's home and catches her just as she is about to go into the office. He makes her drive to a quiet location where he her out of the car and into the woods. He has brought along a pair of scissors and some handcuffs. He first cuts off Jennifer's business suit then makes her remove her bra and panties. She is next instructed to stand against a tree and wrap her arms around the trunk. He handcuffs her wrists then leaves her there, naked and humiliated, taking her car to conceal it somewhere. Jennifer is trapped. She is far from anywhere and calling out won't help; indeed, it may attract large mammalian wildlife such as bears, so she remains quiet. She struggles against the handcuffs even though she knows it is futile. All she can do is stand there staring at the tattered remains of her clothes on the woodland floor in front of her.
2. Claire Irons: Claire Is Clothesjacked (7 minutes 26 seconds) Like many women before her who have fallen victim to the clotherjacker, Claire is surprised just as she arrives home by a man leaning into the car and making her hand over her car keys. He wants her vehicle, but not before he makes her take off all her clothes and climb out into the cold November air. Watching in despair as her car is stolen, along with her clothes, a freezing and naked Claire hurries to the front door of her house. If her husband home from work early? After hammering for several minutes, it becomes clear that he isn't. Claire doesn't even have her cellphone to call him and tell him what has happened. She has no choice but to sit on a garden chair, shivering as she waits for him to come home.
3. Cali Logan & Jasmine St James: The Threat (10 minutes 59 seconds) Cali is furious with her neighbor Jasmine whose pet keeps barking. She threatens to shoot the, unaware that Jasmine is recording what she says on her phone. When she plays it back to Cali, the latter realizes that she is now in a compromising position. She decides to just go home and put up with the noise, but Jasmine tells her to slow down. If Cali does not want this threatening recording to end up in the hands of the police, she will have to do something for Jasmine, which is to strip naked. Cali can't believe she is hearing this and tries to refuse, but Jasmine points out that she has video of Cali storming across her yard and a recording of her making a threat, Cali to comply. Cali is about to start undresses when Jasmine says, "No, no. Don't be in such a hurry." She calls out, "Uncle Dave." When Dave appears, Jasmine asks him if he'd like to see a naked woman. Cali bridles at the prospect of undressing in front of this old guy, but it is clear that Jasmine means what she says. Humiliated and embarrassment, Cali starts to undress. To make things worse, Dave moves in closer to have a look at her butt, and Jasmine just keeps encouraging her to remove her bra. Cali has to obey in the end but seems very reluctant to remove her panties. In the end, at Dave's suggestion, Jasmine pulls Cali's panties down for her, and her humiliation is complete.
4. Vika: Gift With A Price Tag (14 minutes 48 seconds) Vika has just written off her car and now has no means to get to work or even shop for groceries. She is shocked when a friend offers her a set of car keys and says they are for a new car he has bought for her. Vika just can't believe it and climbs into the car, starts the engine, and looks around in delight. That's when her friend drops a bomb shell - he says that in exchange for buying her the vehicle, he wants to see her drive it naked. Vika stares hard at him, suddenly reminded of the old adage that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. She desperately needs the car so she concedes to his request and takes off her clothes. When he climbs into the car and wants her to take him for a drive, Vika warns him that if she gets arrested for doing this, he'll be paying the costs of her legal defense too.