Autumn's cellphone battery has expired, shutting off access to her GPS. She is totally lost. She turns onto a quiet road and encounters a secluded house, complete with a man tending his garden. It all looks innocent enough, so she gets out of the car to ask for directions. When the man says he will only give her directions if she will take off her clothes, she laughs, assuming he is joking. Then things turn serious and it becomes clear that he is not joking at all. He Autumn to strip naked. Only then will he permit her to climb back in her car and clear, sans her clothing.
Autumn's cellphone battery has expired, shutting off access to her GPS. She is totally lost. She turns onto a quiet road and encounters a secluded house, complete with a man tending his garden. It all looks innocent enough, so she gets out of the car to ask for directions. When the man says he will only give her directions if she will take off her clothes, she laughs, assuming he is joking. Then things turn serious and it becomes clear that he is not joking at all. He Autumn to strip naked. Only then will he permit her to climb back in her car and clear, sans her clothing.