The Neural Reassignment Modulator (2K) - Monica Jade
My Rating:
Category: Made To Strip
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 12/16/2024


Monica is busy at work in the office she shares with her colleague Dave. He interrupts her to say that he has just purchased a new gadget called an NRM, or Neural Reassignment Modulator. When Monica looks puzzled and asks what it is, he explains that it can make people do things they would not normally do. Certain that Dave has been duped into buying a piece of junk, Monica gives him a condescending smile and says, "Well, good luck with that." As soon as Dave directs the device at his colleague and begins entering commands, such as "Monica, take off your jacket" and "remove your boots", she...

The Neural Reassignment Modulator (2K) - Monica Jade

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