This was a custom commission, to order one of your own please contact me at the email address listed at the top of the page. I was really sick and tired of my step-son not helping out with the bills...I mean, he's more than capable of getting a job but instead he chooses to hang out with the science club. There are worse things that he could be doing but I wish he'd invent something useful. He shows up and it looks like he made some sort of a device, a remote control of sorts. Before I know it, he presses a button and I started shaking and jiggling my tits! What?! In front of my step-son! Then...
This was a custom commission, to order one of your own please contact me at the email address listed at the top of the page. I was really sick and tired of my step-son not helping out with the bills...I mean, he's more than capable of getting a job but instead he chooses to hang out with the science club. There are worse things that he could be doing but I wish he'd invent something useful. He shows up and it looks like he made some sort of a device, a remote control of sorts. Before I know it, he presses a button and I started shaking and jiggling my tits! What?! In front of my step-son! Then...