This was a custom commission, to order your own, email me at [email protected]. I do not take suggestions for clips, only customs, so make sure to describe your idea and ask for a price quote. Emails not asking for a price quote will be ignored. Well look at you! Hahaha! I've been very sneaky all of these months but now can you see what I've done to you? I've fed you and plumped you up and now you look like a pregnant woman! A big fat slut! Nobody would ever guess that you're a man with those huge tits...they are bigger than mine! Mine are a 34G and yours are much bigger, of course they...
This was a custom commission, to order your own, email me at [email protected]. I do not take suggestions for clips, only customs, so make sure to describe your idea and ask for a price quote. Emails not asking for a price quote will be ignored. Well look at you! Hahaha! I've been very sneaky all of these months but now can you see what I've done to you? I've fed you and plumped you up and now you look like a pregnant woman! A big fat slut! Nobody would ever guess that you're a man with those huge tits...they are bigger than mine! Mine are a 34G and yours are much bigger, of course they...