You just got your dream internship at one of the biggest, most powerful corporations around. On your first day the boss calls you in to her office for a one on one orientation.
Your boss is a beautiful, powerful and intimidating woman. After briefly congratulating you on your new job she dives right in to the main reason for this orientation. She explains how the pay rate is high because she has the highest expectations for all of her employees.
Aside from the great pay, there's one other big incentive your boss has to motivate her employees to do their best. You see, she ...
You just got your dream internship at one of the biggest, most powerful corporations around. On your first day the boss calls you in to her office for a one on one orientation.
Your boss is a beautiful, powerful and intimidating woman. After briefly congratulating you on your new job she dives right in to the main reason for this orientation. She explains how the pay rate is high because she has the highest expectations for all of her employees.
Aside from the great pay, there's one other big incentive your boss has to motivate her employees to do their best. You see, she rewards her employees when they do well, but she also punishes them with they don't. And her method of punishment is quite unconventional.
She eats any employee who she deems to be unfit for their job. Now, not each employee is completely digested. Some of them just get swallowed down for a bit so that they can boil in her digestive acids and get constricted by her powerful gut, all to teach them a lesson. While she explains this to you she teases you with her now flat stomach. After she is finished explaining this potential punishment, she dismisses you, but not before making a sly remark about how delicious you look.
Days later, you are called back into her office. You walk in while she is on the phone with a client, smoothing over a mistake made my one of the accountants. Her stomach is now giant and bloated beyond what you thought was humanly possible. When she gets off the phone she makes it apparent just how angry she is. While she rants you cannot take your eyes off her stomach. You know exactly why it's that big and soon she confirms it. She ate the accountant! And due to how big the mistake he made was, this time she is going to be completely digesting him.
Now, the reason why she has called you in is because you have not been keeping up with her expectations. Since your boss is already full she won't eat you today, but she is going to make you see what is in store for you if you don't start keeping up with your work load.
Your boss has you get down on your knees and stare up at her ginormous, gurgling stomach as your former co-worker slowly gets dissolved within it. She teases you with graphic descriptions of how he will be broken down by her stomach acids, how he will get smaller and smaller until he is completely absorbed into her body. She makes you reach out and feel her squirming belly. As terrified as you are, you are also aroused against your will.
Once she has let the gravity of the situation really sink in for you, she dismisses you yet again.
Yet a few more days pass before you are once again called into her office. You have not shown any improvement. Your boss jokes cruelly about how she thinks that you actually want to be eaten. Your former co-worker is still digesting within her, although now her stomach is noticeably less bloated than before, but still more bloated than normal.
To make you completely aware of the situation you are facing, this time she teases you with her mouth, showing off her tongue, teeth and throat. You will be swallowed down whole soon if you don't start improving. Her mouth is as arousing as her stomach, and soon she begins teasing you with that, her still bloated stomach. She sways around with her belly still gurgling and rumbling. You have a feeling that soon you will be within it.
Again, you're dismissed, but not even a few days later you are called back once again. This time, there's no escaping. Your work has gotten sloppy, you've gotten lazy and all the while, your boss has gotten hungry. Although she had high expectations for you, she is more than happy to eat you all up.
And you won't be the last...
**same size, belly focused vore with tons of belly shots and some mouth shots, added stomach sound effects**
**this was a custom video, message me to get your own**