In the last Episode, King Talon dressed as a guart and snuck
into the Dungeon after
dark to take advantage of spending time alone with Princess Aura, away
from the prying
eyes and ears of the rest of the Castle.
It was there that Talon stripped her and defiled her, but never did get
the information
he was after.
Episode Three begins the next Morning when the Dungeon Master and King
resume their interrogation of the Princess. What's in store for the
Princess is the
unthinkable combination of soft skin and a red hot poker that has been
in the ...
In the last Episode, King Talon dressed as a guart and snuck
into the Dungeon after
dark to take advantage of spending time alone with Princess Aura, away
from the prying
eyes and ears of the rest of the Castle.
It was there that Talon stripped her and defiled her, but never did get
the information
he was after.
Episode Three begins the next Morning when the Dungeon Master and King
resume their interrogation of the Princess. What's in store for the
Princess is the
unthinkable combination of soft skin and a red hot poker that has been
in the ...