Me and Mia meet up again to settle who really is the queen of smothering. She is tough, but I know I can ultimately defeat her. She really gave me a good run for my money in this clip, she managed to pin me, and facesit me a few times, getting some tap outs. I wasn't going to let that stop me. I her down quite a few times, and rammed her face into my pussy a lot, sealing off her air. Listening to her barely able to breath was great. Mia also ended up taking my full weight facesits as well, with her nose buried deep in my ass. She was getting weak and was losing her strength. I won't give away ...
Me and Mia meet up again to settle who really is the queen of smothering. She is tough, but I know I can ultimately defeat her. She really gave me a good run for my money in this clip, she managed to pin me, and facesit me a few times, getting some tap outs. I wasn't going to let that stop me. I her down quite a few times, and rammed her face into my pussy a lot, sealing off her air. Listening to her barely able to breath was great. Mia also ended up taking my full weight facesits as well, with her nose buried deep in my ass. She was getting weak and was losing her strength. I won't give away ...