One of the many qualities of my butler is certainly his calm and kind nature. I must admit that in all these years of service, where I have always teased and provoked him, he has always behaved in an impeccable manner. No vulgarity ever came out of his mouth, much less any sexual request despite my constant provocations. In all these years he has never refused to carry out the activities that I have always asked him to do, even though many times they were not his responsibility. In other words, never until now my butler allowed himself to contradict me or refuse a task assigned to him. Howe...
One of the many qualities of my butler is certainly his calm and kind nature. I must admit that in all these years of service, where I have always teased and provoked him, he has always behaved in an impeccable manner. No vulgarity ever came out of his mouth, much less any sexual request despite my constant provocations. In all these years he has never refused to carry out the activities that I have always asked him to do, even though many times they were not his responsibility. In other words, never until now my butler allowed himself to contradict me or refuse a task assigned to him. However, the other day I managed, without wanting to, to make him reach his tolerance limit. In fact, I asked him to help me choose which bras from my huge collection suited me best.
You can imagine my enormous surprise when the following day, at my simple request to drive me to my appointment, he refused, telling me that he would call me a taxi because he had other things to do. Upon hearing those words, I was in disbelief and with my mouth open for a few seconds. I immediately understood that something was wrong. My butler would never have answered me like that. Therefore, when I asked him if he was feeling well or if something had happened, he replied, avoiding looking at me in the eyes and in an elusive way, that everything was fine. At that point I was sure that something wasn't right and for the first time since I hired him, I spoke to him in a stern tone, shouting: "come here. I demand explanations immediately.” At that point my butler, with a completely resigned look, approached me and with his head bowed said to me: “Please, Madam, don't get angry. Nothing really happened. I'm very ashamed of what I'm about to say but unfortunately it's the truth. My penis is hard as a rock and I have an urgent need to ejaculate. Today I really can't concentrate and I'm afraid I won't be able to drive. Maybe the idea you had yesterday, to help you choose from your enormous collection of bras which ones suited you the best, wasn't so good. I've done nothing about dreaming of your beautiful naked breasts all night long and now I feel like my penis is about to explode."
It was true; his cock was so hard it almost looked like the pants he was wearing would soon tear. I absolutely had to remedy at this and somehow relieve the suffering of my poor butler. Besides, I have to admit that hearing him telling me for the first time in such an explicit, albeit not vulgar way, that he was so horny, made me very happy. I grabbed his extremely hard cock and told him “Sit in the armchair. I will take care of you. We still have half an hour before leaving." “Believe me, Madam,” he replied... “it will take much less than half an hour”... It took less than ten minutes in order to give my butler such a huge relief and continue our day as usual...