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Eviction Notice Horror
My Rating:
Runtime: 13 minutes
Category: Giantess
Date Added: 02/10/23, 11:06 AM


Tinies are scattered across a living room floor as BOOMING footsteps approach. Lydia enters the apartment, She stops at a shoe box on the floor. “Guess who, you little fucks!”. Lydia lifts the lid, revealing a miniature apartment complex inside. “You guys are unbelievable, you know that? I've got normal-sized tenants who are a FUCKING GOD-SEND compared to you!”. She kicks off her shoes. “I'm getting noise complaints from both neighbors! You're tiny! How the fuck is that even possible!?”. She lifts a nylon foot. “You suck at paying rent, you are a constant pain in my ass, and it's time I pu...

Eviction Notice Horror

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