Giantess enters the room. Wearing a skirt and top. I am a shrunken man, shrunk down to approximately an inch. Unaware, she walks over me several times. Booming footsteps, almost treading on me several times. A few times she walks directly over me, and I can see up her skirt. Eventually she stands directly overhead, legs apart. I can see up her skirt to see a thong. The giantess undoes her skirt, dropping it directly on me. Escaping the huge field of cloth, I see the giantess now take off her top and drop it on me again. While the giantess walks away, I climb up onto her table. She enters the r...
Giantess enters the room. Wearing a skirt and top. I am a shrunken man, shrunk down to approximately an inch. Unaware, she walks over me several times. Booming footsteps, almost treading on me several times. A few times she walks directly over me, and I can see up her skirt. Eventually she stands directly overhead, legs apart. I can see up her skirt to see a thong. The giantess undoes her skirt, dropping it directly on me. Escaping the huge field of cloth, I see the giantess now take off her top and drop it on me again. While the giantess walks away, I climb up onto her table. She enters the r...