The story follows the "Keri Shrinks Boyfriend for his feet fantasy" video and picks up where it left off.
Keri is taking a nap and the tiny is chained to her feet. The screen is black, and we listen Keri try to wake up his tiny boyfriend, she say: "wake up honey". When the little one wakes up, at the same time Keri will raise her ankle to make the little man stand. Unfortunately, she will lift her ankle a bit too high for him. So he's going to be hanged for a few seconds. A few seconds later Keri understands that it was too high for him and apologizes.
They decide to go for a snack, so t...
The story follows the "Keri Shrinks Boyfriend for his feet fantasy" video and picks up where it left off.
Keri is taking a nap and the tiny is chained to her feet. The screen is black, and we listen Keri try to wake up his tiny boyfriend, she say: "wake up honey". When the little one wakes up, at the same time Keri will raise her ankle to make the little man stand. Unfortunately, she will lift her ankle a bit too high for him. So he's going to be hanged for a few seconds. A few seconds later Keri understands that it was too high for him and apologizes.
They decide to go for a snack, so t...