Today your training is going to begin! You`re going to learn how achieve hands-free orgasms, which I know will be difficult, so in the beginning I`ll allow you to touch your cock just a little. No humiliation here, no domination, just encouragement as I instruct you how to cum. It`s going to require the utmost concentration and focus, so pay attention! Are you ready? To get things going, let me take my top off so you can see my amazing bare breasts. Listen to my soothing voice as I tease you with my tight, young body, but don`t you dare touch your dick yet! Just imagine sucking and nibbling on...
Today your training is going to begin! You`re going to learn how achieve hands-free orgasms, which I know will be difficult, so in the beginning I`ll allow you to touch your cock just a little. No humiliation here, no domination, just encouragement as I instruct you how to cum. It`s going to require the utmost concentration and focus, so pay attention! Are you ready? To get things going, let me take my top off so you can see my amazing bare breasts. Listen to my soothing voice as I tease you with my tight, young body, but don`t you dare touch your dick yet! Just imagine sucking and nibbling on...