Chiefs Executive Monica Merlot Interviews And Trains A New Front Office Footboy (Part 3)
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Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 10/1/2022


Bambi Boy has the guts to tell Monica that he’s having second thoughts about the job offer. He gets on his knees in front of her and tries to talk himself out of it, which infuriates her because she left an important meeting at work to interview him. Monica isn’t going to take no for an answer. She stuffs her feet in his mouth one by one, gagging him while he's on his knees and calls her fellow executives. She tells her female colleagues that Bambi will be at the office tomorrow for his first shift with overtime.

Monica hires Bambi Boy on the spot and let’s him know this is his f...

Chiefs Executive Monica Merlot Interviews And Trains A New Front Office Footboy (Part 3)

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