Synopsis: These two beautiful girls know what to do with their assholes. Theyre so beautiful and sexy, Nara and Pietra like to lick a pink ass and is this that they are doing in this great film. Pietra has a big and sexy tongue and fuck so deep the asshole of Nara, Nara do the same in Pietra with many love. This is the great ass licking of Brazil. Dont miss.
Starring: Nara Lemos and Pietra Mason.
Synopsis: These two beautiful girls know what to do with their assholes. Theyre so beautiful and sexy, Nara and Pietra like to lick a pink ass and is this that they are doing in this great film. Pietra has a big and sexy tongue and fuck so deep the asshole of Nara, Nara do the same in Pietra with many love. This is the great ass licking of Brazil. Dont miss.