Synopsis: Nana Volgue is owner of a models agency. Soraya wnats to be model and she thinks she have enough qualities for that. Nana Volgue tells her that she is not able to be a model becuse of her stature and hair. Soraya gets irritated and start to offend Nana saying that she stinks! poor Soraya!! Now she will a have a taste of Nana's smell because Nana will fart a lot on her face. A perfect match: two brazilian hot black girls, femdom and lots of farts.
STARRING: Nana Volgue and Soraya
Synopsis: Nana Volgue is owner of a models agency. Soraya wnats to be model and she thinks she have enough qualities for that. Nana Volgue tells her that she is not able to be a model becuse of her stature and hair. Soraya gets irritated and start to offend Nana saying that she stinks! poor Soraya!! Now she will a have a taste of Nana's smell because Nana will fart a lot on her face. A perfect match: two brazilian hot black girls, femdom and lots of farts.