Facesitting REAL FAINT 2 ## HORROR TIME SERIES ## Clip 05 ## NewMfx 2017
My Rating:
Category: Face Sitting
Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 9/15/2017


STARRING: Lola Mello, Grazy and Alessia.

SYNOPSIS: As if it were not enough to faint Priscillinha in: Facesitting REAL FAINT ## HORROR TIME SERIES ## the first film of the series, this time Lola chose another victim: Alessia. Poor slave, as if all the cruelty of Lola mello was not enough, she had to face also the powerful Grazy, the two mistreated the slave, and they drove her to swoon, Facesitting brutal, do not miss!

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Facesitting REAL FAINT 2 ## HORROR TIME SERIES ## Clip 05 ## NewMfx 2017

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