I answer the door to a ghetto looking thug standing there smoking a cigarette acting cocky as asking for my step-daughter. She dresses like a man and talks with a gutteral low voice when she rings the bell asking for my step-daughter. I puull off her cap and she is fucking bald!!!! She has a shaved head!! Who the fuck shaves their head. Trying to pass yourself off as a boy. I grab her around the neck and down she goes as a rag. I strip off her overalls to see her tits covered in an ace bandage so she looks even more flat chested. I'm gonna girly your ass up missy!!! I cinch the dyke's elbows p...
I answer the door to a ghetto looking thug standing there smoking a cigarette acting cocky as asking for my step-daughter. She dresses like a man and talks with a gutteral low voice when she rings the bell asking for my step-daughter. I puull off her cap and she is fucking bald!!!! She has a shaved head!! Who the fuck shaves their head. Trying to pass yourself off as a boy. I grab her around the neck and down she goes as a rag. I strip off her overalls to see her tits covered in an ace bandage so she looks even more flat chested. I'm gonna girly your ass up missy!!! I cinch the dyke's elbows p...