Starring Sablique Von Lux
HD (1280 x 7280) MP4
What prompted you to get out of bed and wear a full diaper for a whopping solid 14 hours at Fetcon last weekend?! What made you think that was acceptable? Wearing a poot-filled diaper for so long with a straight face? That's some next-level audacity right there.
The only reason she opted to talk to you now is because she, and everyone else at FetCon, can smell that you have finally changed ad are not safe to approach. You are not dapper; rather, you stink and are just plain nasty, making everyone smell yo...
Starring Sablique Von Lux
HD (1280 x 7280) MP4
What prompted you to get out of bed and wear a full diaper for a whopping solid 14 hours at Fetcon last weekend?! What made you think that was acceptable? Wearing a poot-filled diaper for so long with a straight face? That's some next-level audacity right there.
The only reason she opted to talk to you now is because she, and everyone else at FetCon, can smell that you have finally changed ad are not safe to approach. You are not dapper; rather, you stink and are just plain nasty, making everyone smell your ass without their consent. Anything it was that filled you with such stink, whether it was burnt hair, fucking mudpies, or anything, seems all rotten so you might want to think about drinking some probiotics for your gut. The way you're letting it all out of your diaper after wearing it for at least 14 hours is particularly revolting in her eyes. You stink, and you make everyone smell your stinky ass without their will.
Let the stink fest begin because Sablique couldn't care less. Well, it seems like she's had enough of your funky self and the aroma of drenched-in-poot diaper. You may have believed no one was noticing, but everyone who comes near you will immediately notice the stench, the fullness of your diaper, and the fact that someone, somewhere, sadly had to touch it. Because every time you sit, your nasty, wet poot gets squished along with your crinkly, full-padded diaper. The only reason nobody said anything to you was because you were that disgusting, you disgust people that much. So by now, you should learn how to clean your ass on your own.
Sablique knows all your dirty little secrets, but there's one thing that's got her scratching her head: What's the deal with that old full diaper hiding under your pillow? And don't even get her started on that padded burrito, packed to the brim with who-knows-what kind of stench. She uncovers yet another pristine diaper, clearly untouched by your discerning tastes. It seems you've chosen to leave it behind, perhaps underestimating its ability to withstand your 14-hour poot mess.
Whatever you were thinking, for the love of God, do not ever have that thought again. She'd rather change your soiled diaper now than wait until the stench becomes intolerable to her sensitive sense of smell, so don't be embarrassed about asking for a change whenever you want! She's much better off helping you out and changing you into a fresh diaper than sitting through your frequent pooting, which will make the entire room reek of your stinky butthole. In fact, there's a whole convention full of women to ask for diaper changed from!
But hey, you still have the essentials for a much-needed diaper change in the bag you brought along in case you need them. Wipe that ass down and don't let that poot touch anyone, even yourself. Because you sit in your own filth for what seems like hours at a time, you should probably apply some rash cream ointment to your buttcheeks to help relieve some of the itching. When you're feeling anxious, a pacifier can help you relax as they change your diaper. Sablique wants to remind you of a few things so that you may keep your stinky diaper attitude in check, not just for yourself but for the sake of all FetCon goers.
The time has come for your first session diaper change in the convention with Sablique, and she intends to make it count!
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