Starring Nadia White & Funsize Frank
HD (1280 x 7280) WMV
Nadia woke up to the sound of her alarm clock blaring an annoying tune. She groaned, rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. Her younger step-brother, Frank, was slowly waking up on the couch. He looked so peaceful, almost angelic. It was hard to believe that only a few hours ago he had been throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the mall. As she watched him rest, Nadia couldn't help but wonder how she was going to get him through the day without another embarrassing scene. She had tried everything: reasoning wit...
Starring Nadia White & Funsize Frank
HD (1280 x 7280) WMV
Nadia woke up to the sound of her alarm clock blaring an annoying tune. She groaned, rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. Her younger step-brother, Frank, was slowly waking up on the couch. He looked so peaceful, almost angelic. It was hard to believe that only a few hours ago he had been throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the mall. As she watched him rest, Nadia couldn't help but wonder how she was going to get him through the day without another embarrassing scene. She had tried everything: reasoning with him, time-outs, even spanking. Nothing seemed to work. Her parents were at their wit's end, and she was running out of ideas. That's when she remembered advice: "Try making him wear diapers." It sounded extreme, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
With a diaper in her hand, she tiptoes towards Frank, trying not to make any noise that might wake him up. She carefully removes his clothes, from his socks down to his underwear, revealing his cute teeny tiny cock. Nadia can't help but giggle at the sight of it knowing that it will look even cuter in a diaper. She slowly slides the diaper under Frank's bottom and lifts his legs up to tape the sides tightly. She hesitated for a moment, feeling guilty as she slipped them onto his napping form. But there was no time to second-guess her decision. She had to get him ready for school before anyone woke up.
She dressed Frank in his favorite outfit, making sure to tuck the diapers underneath his jeans and top. Then she packed his backpack with his lunch. When she was finished, she gently nudged him awake. "Time to get up" she said, trying not to let the anxiety show in her voice. "We need to leave for school soon!" Frank yawned and stretched. "Why do I feel funny down there?" he asked, rubbing his diaper-clad bottom. Nadia took a deep breath, bracing herself for the inevitable outburst. "It's just something I made you wear to help you behave," she lied, hoping he wouldn't realize what was going on. "Now come on, let's get going."
With a sigh, Frank reluctantly got out of bed and followed his step sister to the bathroom. As they began their morning routine, Nadia couldn't shake the feeling that she had just crossed a line. But she told herself that it was for the best. After all, she loved her step brother and wanted what was best for him. She just hoped that this would be enough to keep him under control for the day. As they finished getting ready, Nadia made sure to keep Frank close by, not wanting to risk him taking off the diaper. They ate breakfast together, chatting about their plans for the weekend, but Frank seemed distracted, occasionally fidgeting in his seat. Nadia could tell that he was uncomfortable with the diaper, but she ignored his discomfort, determined to make this work.
They walked to school together, holding hands as they navigated the crowded hallways. Nadia kept a close eye on Frank, making sure he didn't do anything to embarrass her or himself. She knew that he was still capable of acting out, but with the diaper on, she felt a newfound sense of control over his behavior. During their first class, Nadia noticed that Frank seemed to be squirming in his seat. She leaned over and whispered, "Is everything okay?" He nodded, looking away. "Just... don't worry about it," he muttered. Nadia squeezed his hand reassuringly, promising herself that she would get him through the day- until he finally notices the diaper he's been wearing all day...
Upon returning home, Frank is utterly humiliated as Nadia laughs mercilessly at his humiliation as he pieces together what has happened.
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