You losers are always asking me, Miss Jade, is my dick small? What's the perfect size? On and on and on... Rather than tell you about my preference, I'm going to show you the perfect cock. My dildo! My perfect 7 inch doc johnson. Look at the detail.. The thickness... length.. the perfect dorsal vein running from the base to the tip.. Do you size up? Can you compare? If not, you don't stand a fucking chance.
You losers are always asking me, Miss Jade, is my dick small? What's the perfect size? On and on and on... Rather than tell you about my preference, I'm going to show you the perfect cock. My dildo! My perfect 7 inch doc johnson. Look at the detail.. The thickness... length.. the perfect dorsal vein running from the base to the tip.. Do you size up? Can you compare? If not, you don't stand a fucking chance.