Miss Jessica the Headmistress has a naughty pupil with her who has already had his balls busted and crushed on a desk with her shoes. Now's even further ball punishment with a trample board. His cock and balls are tied up and poked through the hole in the board. Miss Jessica gets to work at squashing and crushing his cock and balls with her sharp pointy hot pink stilettos. Two camera views - from above and from the side. Part 3 of 7.
Miss Jessica the Headmistress has a naughty pupil with her who has already had his balls busted and crushed on a desk with her shoes. Now's even further ball punishment with a trample board. His cock and balls are tied up and poked through the hole in the board. Miss Jessica gets to work at squashing and crushing his cock and balls with her sharp pointy hot pink stilettos. Two camera views - from above and from the side. Part 3 of 7.