I have waited (patiently) for two days for the “genius” from maintenance to repair the faulty heater in my room. He arrives with no tools and after a cursory glance decides to swap the heater for another. Not good enough! He has earned a beating. I trick him, with flattery, keeping a straight face, into stripping half-naked. I turn his empty tool belt into an effective restraint. His wrists are firmly secured. With the smallest encouragement he is helplessly waddling over to the bed. I push him face down onto it and quickly get a ball gag in his mouth. His shorts are pulled down to expose a la...
I have waited (patiently) for two days for the “genius” from maintenance to repair the faulty heater in my room. He arrives with no tools and after a cursory glance decides to swap the heater for another. Not good enough! He has earned a beating. I trick him, with flattery, keeping a straight face, into stripping half-naked. I turn his empty tool belt into an effective restraint. His wrists are firmly secured. With the smallest encouragement he is helplessly waddling over to the bed. I push him face down onto it and quickly get a ball gag in his mouth. His shorts are pulled down to expose a la...