I've heard the question from hundreds of you wannabe fags..."How do I find a cock to suck?" There are obviously several ways, so let me outline one of them, very specifically. Make sure you are prepared for this one. I will give you exact instructions on what to do to find a nice cock to suck.
You'll be in a gay bar before you know it. Hopefully for a horny boy like you, it will have a dirty little bathroom that has seen countless blowjobs. Your first blow job. I hope he calls you a nasty little faggot while he's pounding your mouth full of thick dick. You'd better suck it go...
I've heard the question from hundreds of you wannabe fags..."How do I find a cock to suck?" There are obviously several ways, so let me outline one of them, very specifically. Make sure you are prepared for this one. I will give you exact instructions on what to do to find a nice cock to suck.
You'll be in a gay bar before you know it. Hopefully for a horny boy like you, it will have a dirty little bathroom that has seen countless blowjobs. Your first blow job. I hope he calls you a nasty little faggot while he's pounding your mouth full of thick dick. You'd better suck it go...