If you've had trouble eating your cum for the first time(or are craving it yet again), this is the clip for you. I order you to "assume the position" and get that cock as close to your little whore mouth as you possibly can. You're going to let gravity be your Mistress tonight. Imagine you could suck your own dick. That's the position I want.
Don't worry about getting through it. I'll walk you through each step. Just obey and swallow when I tell you! I've even got a way out for you...a way for you to get out of that nasty load all over your face. All you have to do is st...
If you've had trouble eating your cum for the first time(or are craving it yet again), this is the clip for you. I order you to "assume the position" and get that cock as close to your little whore mouth as you possibly can. You're going to let gravity be your Mistress tonight. Imagine you could suck your own dick. That's the position I want.
Don't worry about getting through it. I'll walk you through each step. Just obey and swallow when I tell you! I've even got a way out for you...a way for you to get out of that nasty load all over your face. All you have to do is st...