The young Wicked Witch of the West is harvesting young men to be transformed into her flying monkeys...slave creatures who obey and serve her unconditionally. You are unable to escape her clutches, trapped by her powerful magic. Your human male body isn't very useful to her, but before she transforms you into her little flyign, she will bestow on you one last very human pleasure: your last orgasm. You've always wanted a big cock, right? A huge one? She will give you one last wish before you change into an . You want a huge cock? She waves her wand and your cock grows bigger and bigger...
The young Wicked Witch of the West is harvesting young men to be transformed into her flying monkeys...slave creatures who obey and serve her unconditionally. You are unable to escape her clutches, trapped by her powerful magic. Your human male body isn't very useful to her, but before she transforms you into her little flyign, she will bestow on you one last very human pleasure: your last orgasm. You've always wanted a big cock, right? A huge one? She will give you one last wish before you change into an . You want a huge cock? She waves her wand and your cock grows bigger and bigger...