You know how I had that bachelorette party last night? Yeah, I had a blast! One of the male strippers was so ripped...I could see how hung he was in his tight pants. Afterwards, I met him in the back room for the BEST fucking of my life. He was 10 THICK inches of real black man.
Your little cock never satisfied me. If you want to keep me, you're just going to have to deal with me fucking other real men like him. I am hooked on big black cock. I get a little sick when I think about having to fuck your little worm again. So, I'm just not going to be having sex with you an...
You know how I had that bachelorette party last night? Yeah, I had a blast! One of the male strippers was so ripped...I could see how hung he was in his tight pants. Afterwards, I met him in the back room for the BEST fucking of my life. He was 10 THICK inches of real black man.
Your little cock never satisfied me. If you want to keep me, you're just going to have to deal with me fucking other real men like him. I am hooked on big black cock. I get a little sick when I think about having to fuck your little worm again. So, I'm just not going to be having sex with you an...