I am the evil queen of this land and you have been brought to me to be sentenced to . I notice that you happen to be a minisule specimen of human and there is no cell small enough to lock you in, nor rope small enough to hang you. Still, you have committed crimes against the throne and you must be made an example of. I dangle my giant peep hole stilletos before you. You know they could crush you easily.
I slowly begin to sink my weight onto you with the ball of my foot. The sole of my high heel slowly crushes you. Bones splintering, you are unable to run or even crawl aw...
I am the evil queen of this land and you have been brought to me to be sentenced to . I notice that you happen to be a minisule specimen of human and there is no cell small enough to lock you in, nor rope small enough to hang you. Still, you have committed crimes against the throne and you must be made an example of. I dangle my giant peep hole stilletos before you. You know they could crush you easily.
I slowly begin to sink my weight onto you with the ball of my foot. The sole of my high heel slowly crushes you. Bones splintering, you are unable to run or even crawl aw...