This was a custom video! Have your own video fantasy that you'd like to become reality? Email me with an outline to [email protected]!
"You are a short, young, overweight slave woman, you love to serve your master willing to do anything for me. I give you a potion to improve you, help to please me better, you take it willingly drinking some of it. You feel your body shifting, your fat firming up, your height increasing, your breasts enhancing. You love the change telling me you need some more and drink the rest of it. You swell again reaching 6'2'' now slightly taller than your 6...
This was a custom video! Have your own video fantasy that you'd like to become reality? Email me with an outline to [email protected]!
"You are a short, young, overweight slave woman, you love to serve your master willing to do anything for me. I give you a potion to improve you, help to please me better, you take it willingly drinking some of it. You feel your body shifting, your fat firming up, your height increasing, your breasts enhancing. You love the change telling me you need some more and drink the rest of it. You swell again reaching 6'2'' now slightly taller than your 6...