You come to the clinic expecting a penis enlargement but Nurse tells you there has been a complication with your review for this procedure, The head Consultant comes in to explain. It is very clear that your anatomical engineering is structured all wrong and with your lack of actual penile area to elongate and medical history it makes more sense for you to undergo gender reassignment. Don't worry Mr Jones... sorry Miss Jones, all will be fine as we have prepared the theatre ready for your operation - if you would just like to follow me...
You come to the clinic expecting a penis enlargement but Nurse tells you there has been a complication with your review for this procedure, The head Consultant comes in to explain. It is very clear that your anatomical engineering is structured all wrong and with your lack of actual penile area to elongate and medical history it makes more sense for you to undergo gender reassignment. Don't worry Mr Jones... sorry Miss Jones, all will be fine as we have prepared the theatre ready for your operation - if you would just like to follow me...