Miss Lacey Sucking and Slurping Down a Cup of Cherry Red Jell-O
My Rating:
Category: Chewing
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 5/2/2021


Jell-O cups are one of my favorite snacks when I'm craving something sweet, so tonight I had one for dessert! I carefully peel back the foil top and let my silver spoon dig into the flesh of the jiggly red gelatin, taking out a tiny scoop and letting it slurp into my mouth, bite by bite. I chew it up and mix it with the saliva in my mouth, letting it cover my tongue in red sticky sweetness. With each bite, I pull it through my teeth, chomp into it like flesh, and swallow it down into my hungry belly. One bite falls to the ground but I pick it up and suck it down my throat. Don't you love ho...

Miss Lacey Sucking and Slurping Down a Cup of Cherry Red Jell-O

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