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Junkie coated with spit and used as an ashtray - Tossico ricoperto di sputi e usato come portacenere
My Rating:
Runtime: 9 minutes
Category: Spitting
Date Added: 11/21/19, 12:08 AM


We have a addict with a zero immune system, so La Regina Dittatrice thinks she spits in his mouth to attack his flu. In the meantime, Jennyfer Cruel and I use it as a human ashtray and sprinkle it with ash that sticks to all the spit in his face. In the end he is reduced worse than a basket and we
extinguish the cigarette in his mouth.

Abbiamo qui un tossico con il sistema immunitario a zero per colpa della droga, così La Regina Dittatrice pensa di sputargli in bocca per attaccargli la sua influenza. Nel frattempo io e Jennyfer Cruel lo usiamo come portacenere umano e lo cospa...

Junkie coated with spit and used as an ashtray - Tossico ricoperto di sputi e usato come portacenere

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