It's been SEVERAL WEEKS since Nani has gone anywhere besides our next-door office and SEVERAL MONTHS since she's been able to drive .
Earlier in the day I was out grabbing some essential items when my phone rang. "I've HAD it!" my wife exclaimed on the other end, her words understandably dripping with frustration. "I'm getting out of this city tonight if it's the last thing I do!". And she meant that!
When I got home, I was greeted at the door by her, fully dressed (mask and gloves suited up) and ready to go. We had but a mere grocery order to pick up at a farmer's market ...
It's been SEVERAL WEEKS since Nani has gone anywhere besides our next-door office and SEVERAL MONTHS since she's been able to drive .
Earlier in the day I was out grabbing some essential items when my phone rang. "I've HAD it!" my wife exclaimed on the other end, her words understandably dripping with frustration. "I'm getting out of this city tonight if it's the last thing I do!". And she meant that!
When I got home, I was greeted at the door by her, fully dressed (mask and gloves suited up) and ready to go. We had but a mere grocery order to pick up at a farmer's market a few cities over, but she didn't care, as long as it was out of the house and out of the office. I fully anticipated her to reach a breaking point with all this staying in, and I was willing to help curb that frustration, as safely as possible.
What I didn't anticipate was for her to sneak into the driver's seat while I was loading up the van. See, the problem is, Nani's permit is not up to date (she was supposed to take that road test this month, but that's been canceled).
I asked her what she was doing, and she practically told me to get in, buckle up, and SHUT up!
Oh boy...
I was so excited yet so scared. If we were to get pulled over, how in the world would we explain that to the officer? My heart was racing with anxiety and excitement.
I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't budge. No matter what, I could not get her to forfeit the driver's seat!
Finally, she started speaking my language "let me drive for at least the next several miles home, and I'll let you get film it"....hmm fair enough. But boy, was I shakin' in my boots!
Shot from the pedal well only, we see that Nani is barelegged with her favorite blue denim ballet flats.
She doesn't get too rowdy behind the wheel, but I'd lying if I said a few of things she did, didn't make me nervous; things that she normally I wouldn't mind, when her papers were up to date.
She toys around with the idea of flooring it a little and she does try to go for it briefly, but a mixture of being turned off by the loud obnoxious sound of our broken exhaust, plus an undesire to get caught by the boys in blue, caused her to dial it back.
This is a completely spontaneous thing, so everything you're seeing is fairly raw and rough. I hadn't anticipated her literally jumping behind the wheel today, so I didn't bring my usual filming rig. I also kept it to one angle, so I could help look out for the 5-0.
Overall, in hindsight, I enjoyed the experience. Though I do wish she would have worn nylons if she'd planned on doing this! Her bare legs and feet are always nice of course, but still.
This video clocks in 5 minutes.