kevin seems to be running a bit late for his date with andrea. she is starving and has little patience for his lateness. she wonders why she gave in and said yes to this loser kevin that begged her for a date. finally he shows up and andrea keeps her cool. she offers kevin a drink that she spiked with a lil special antidote. kevin stubbles to the ground to find andrea standing over him....hungrier than ever andrea taunts & teases kevin as she pretends she will eat him alive. does she? well i wouldnt put anything past a hungry female bodybuilder. mess with their food and you will .
kevin seems to be running a bit late for his date with andrea. she is starving and has little patience for his lateness. she wonders why she gave in and said yes to this loser kevin that begged her for a date. finally he shows up and andrea keeps her cool. she offers kevin a drink that she spiked with a lil special antidote. kevin stubbles to the ground to find andrea standing over him....hungrier than ever andrea taunts & teases kevin as she pretends she will eat him alive. does she? well i wouldnt put anything past a hungry female bodybuilder. mess with their food and you will .