I despise these nerds that sit around all day playing their video games. This college gamer may have the book smarts but I can guarantee he can't outsmart these legs of mine. While he was going to school, I was beating up boys. Now he sits on his ass daily playing video games and I continue my rampage making the world a better place. Between the hardcore scissors and the rough face sits he will think twice about picking up his phone and playing those stupid games all day. *This is a smaller mobile version. Click here for HD 1280 x 720 ver...
I despise these nerds that sit around all day playing their video games. This college gamer may have the book smarts but I can guarantee he can't outsmart these legs of mine. While he was going to school, I was beating up boys. Now he sits on his ass daily playing video games and I continue my rampage making the world a better place. Between the hardcore scissors and the rough face sits he will think twice about picking up his phone and playing those stupid games all day. *This is a smaller mobile version. Click here for HD 1280 x 720 ver...