Custom Clip: Severe Spanking Therapy Part2. I return for 2nd session 2 weeks later.
Clip starts with you getting dressed again-into tight black wetlook
leggings or spandex leggings, high heels, tight top, make-up/bright red
lipstick. You pick up a couple of implements (maybe hard belt and whip
or crop) and start to practice by thrashing them down several times
really hard onto a bed/chair/cushion. You answer call from girlfriend
and tell her that you have a client waiting and that you are about to go
and whip, belt and paddle his bottom with no mercy.
I arrive for 2nd session and you te...
Custom Clip: Severe Spanking Therapy Part2. I return for 2nd session 2 weeks later.
Clip starts with you getting dressed again-into tight black wetlook
leggings or spandex leggings, high heels, tight top, make-up/bright red
lipstick. You pick up a couple of implements (maybe hard belt and whip
or crop) and start to practice by thrashing them down several times
really hard onto a bed/chair/cushion. You answer call from girlfriend
and tell her that you have a client waiting and that you are about to go
and whip, belt and paddle his bottom with no mercy.
I arrive for 2nd session and you te...