andrea and her buddy chokepuppy decide to have a lil race. see who can scissor a watermelon between their thighs the fastest. these are some big hefty watermelons. its not as easy as it looks. they both squeeze and squeeze with all their might. andrea busts hers open first as ken is still trying. she takes kens watermelon away from him and decides to bust it herself. its way to slippery from all the watermelon juice to even stay between her legs so she goes for it and starts bear hugging the watermelon. after many grunts & groans...squeeze after sqeeze she finally cracks it. watch for yourself...
andrea and her buddy chokepuppy decide to have a lil race. see who can scissor a watermelon between their thighs the fastest. these are some big hefty watermelons. its not as easy as it looks. they both squeeze and squeeze with all their might. andrea busts hers open first as ken is still trying. she takes kens watermelon away from him and decides to bust it herself. its way to slippery from all the watermelon juice to even stay between her legs so she goes for it and starts bear hugging the watermelon. after many grunts & groans...squeeze after sqeeze she finally cracks it. watch for yourself...