Finally I've put on my brand new BODYSTOCKING LINGERIE, with a few extra accessories to spice things up. Since I consider myself fairly tall, my LONG LEGS and thick thighs merely compliment this exotic shape of mine. Is it possible to love myself too much?...I think NOT! lol.
So tempting and teasing those of you who are devoted, scrambling, or completely new to FGV- is always a pleasure. A true addiction from top to bottom, from my hair to my heels - perfection!
Worship F oot G oddess V anessa
Finally I've put on my brand new BODYSTOCKING LINGERIE, with a few extra accessories to spice things up. Since I consider myself fairly tall, my LONG LEGS and thick thighs merely compliment this exotic shape of mine. Is it possible to love myself too much?...I think NOT! lol.
So tempting and teasing those of you who are devoted, scrambling, or completely new to FGV- is always a pleasure. A true addiction from top to bottom, from my hair to my heels - perfection!