I encourage you to cum for me; you been all over the internet looking at porn. Nothing satisfies your dick like I do. You been saving your load for me. You know how I love your cum all over me. Let me be your CUMSLUT.
Are you ready for me? I am ready for you! Come all over my face and glasses. Feed me your cum and squirt in my eyes.
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I encourage you to cum for me; you been all over the internet looking at porn. Nothing satisfies your dick like I do. You been saving your load for me. You know how I love your cum all over me. Let me be your CUMSLUT.
Are you ready for me? I am ready for you! Come all over my face and glasses. Feed me your cum and squirt in my eyes.
Related Categories: Cumshots, Cum Play, Masturbation Encouragement, Eye Glasses, Face Fetish, Cum In Mouth, Mouth fetish, Throat Fetish, Naked