I want to teach my bitch a lesson, he doesn't seem to know the meaning of obedience. I have taken him from the cage, and have him on his knees. His arms are bound behind his back, and I have a tight collar around his neck and attached the suspension cable. He is in a stressful position and has been waiting for me for a while. I arrive and tell him he's going to pleasure me, and he is going to suffer. I begin with getting him to lick my beautiful boots, then I make him more uncomfortable as I hoist the cable. He has difficulty breathing as the cable pulls tightly on...
I want to teach my bitch a lesson, he doesn't seem to know the meaning of obedience. I have taken him from the cage, and have him on his knees. His arms are bound behind his back, and I have a tight collar around his neck and attached the suspension cable. He is in a stressful position and has been waiting for me for a while. I arrive and tell him he's going to pleasure me, and he is going to suffer. I begin with getting him to lick my beautiful boots, then I make him more uncomfortable as I hoist the cable. He has difficulty breathing as the cable pulls tightly on his collar and stretches his neck. I so enjoy hearing him gargle and choke. I remove my boots, and show him my beautiful feet. Then I quickly begin to smother him, as I pinch his nose with my toes. Using both feet I completely cover his face. He can't move and continues to gasp for air. It's a great way to teach my bitch a lesson, and give me so much pleasure making him suffer. I finally put my boots back on, and get ready for a well earned lunch. My slave is going nowhere, and I leave him painfully all strung up...
Sto per impartire alla mia puttana una dura lezione, visto che sembra non capire troppo bene il significato di obbedienza e devozione. Dopo averlo tenuto in gabbia per parecchio tempo, lo libero e lo obbligo in ginocchio sul pavimento. Le sue braccia sono legate dietro la sua schiena, ben collarizzato attaccato al cavo di sospensione. Lo lascio in questa scomoda posizione per qualche ora in attesa del mio ritorno. Come rientro al dungeon, gli dico che è giunto il momento di donarmi la sua sofferenza per il mio piacere. Gli ordino di leccare i miei stivali e poi lo metto ancor più a disagio sollevandolo. Ha difficoltà a respirare mentre il cavo tira il collare allungandogli il collo. Amo ascoltare il rumore dei suoi guaiti soffocanti. Mi sfilo gli stivali e gli mostro i miei bei piedi. Rapidamente lo soffoco mentre pizzico il suo naso con le dita dei piedi. Usando entrambi i piedi, gli nascondo completamente la faccia. Non può muoversi e continua a boccheggiare per la mancanza d'aria. È un ottimo modo per impartire alla mia puttana una severa lezione e godere di quel piacere unico che scaturisce dalla sua sofferenza. Indosso di nuovo le scarpe e mi preparo per uscire per deliziarmi il palato con un meritato pranzo. Il mio schiavo aspetterà con dolorosa e appesa pazienza il mio ritorno...