I have my slave as my prisoner and I'm going to soften him up before I interrogate him. He is naked and tightly bound with plastic cable ties. They are very uncomfortable and I like using them, because when my bitch struggles the ties really bite into his skin It's another little painful treat. He's been at the foot of my throne for some time struggling and waiting for me. Eventually I arrive and I'm going to make him suffer. I have a nice leather tawse whip to hand, it's so effective for disciplining my bitches with it's intensely stinging effect from even the smallest of lashes. I quickly...
I have my slave as my prisoner and I'm going to soften him up before I interrogate him. He is naked and tightly bound with plastic cable ties. They are very uncomfortable and I like using them, because when my bitch struggles the ties really bite into his skin It's another little painful treat. He's been at the foot of my throne for some time struggling and waiting for me. Eventually I arrive and I'm going to make him suffer. I have a nice leather tawse whip to hand, it's so effective for disciplining my bitches with it's intensely stinging effect from even the smallest of lashes. I quickly get him groaning as I push my boot tightly onto his face and tell him he's going to learn to worship them. While I enjoy punishing my slut I decide to have a cigarette, he'll be useful as my human ashtray. As I continue to whip and stamp on his face he begs for mercy, only to receive more lashes from my whip. Using my boots, I roll him over and over to make sure he feels the hard tiles on his body. As he squeals, I go and sit nearer my throne. I want to see my bitch squirm and crawl in pain as he continues to lick my boots. I finally allow him to share some of my delicious spit, and stub my cigarette out allowing my slut to swallow the butt from the tip of my boot. It's been great fun, and I have enjoyed making my bitch suffer during his bootcamp torment...
Nel mio dungeon ho un prigioniero da interrogare. E' nudo e legato con delle fascette in plastica. Amo molto usare le fascette in plastica, piu' delle manette, perche' quando il prigioniero lotta per liberarsi, le fascette mordono la pelle fino a lacerarla provocando un estremo dolore e sofferenza. È stato ai piedi del mio trono per parecchio tempo, in attesa del mio arrivo. Entro nel dungeon con in mano un lussurioso tawse in cuoio. Trovo questo strumento molto efficace per insegnare le vera disciplina alle puttanelle maleducate, perche' ha un intenso effetto pungente provocando un dolore acuto e penetrante in tutto il corpo. Con una mossa fulminea gli metto il mio stivale sul viso premendolo forte, dicendogli che in poco tempo imparera' ad adorarli come si deve. Mi accendo una sigaretta, usero' questa troietta anche come posacenere umano mentre lo punisco severamente. Lo frusto con forza, energia e precisione, e timbro piu' volte il suo viso con i miei stivali. Implora e invoca pieta', ma le sue suppliche hanno solo il risultato di intensificare le frustate. Lo colpisco talmente tanto e forte con i miei stivali da farlo rotolare sul pavimento per il dolore. Strilla a piu' non posso la puttana per il mio assoluto piacere. Mi siedo sul trono e mi godo la troietta contorcersi e gattonare dolorosamente per raggiungere i miei piedi per leccare i miei stivali. Gli permetto di assaggiare e deliziarsi del mio lascivo sputo, e di ingoiare la mia sigaretta. Posso procedere all' interrogatorio e sono sicura che rispondera' ad ogni mia domanda. Anche perche', come avra' capito, Io, Mistress Gaia mi diverto tantissimo a tormentare uno schiavo e se non si comportera' a dovere, saro' felice di riprendere il suo addestramento scegliendo tra innumerevoli deliziosi e dolorosi supplizi...