I have been filming with this lucky slave, and It's time for me to relax. He's fortunate enough to be on hand while I enjoy my break so I'll use him as my chair. I get him to assume the servile position and make myself comfortable. I sit on his throat with my beautiful and powerful legs astride his neck. Just in case he gets any ideas, I'll be able to squeeze his head until it pops. I also have a jennings gag to put into his mouth, it's great to hear those ratchets as it quickly opens his mouth nice and wide for me. I also so enjoy hearing that gargled sound as he ...
I have been filming with this lucky slave, and It's time for me to relax. He's fortunate enough to be on hand while I enjoy my break so I'll use him as my chair. I get him to assume the servile position and make myself comfortable. I sit on his throat with my beautiful and powerful legs astride his neck. Just in case he gets any ideas, I'll be able to squeeze his head until it pops. I also have a jennings gag to put into his mouth, it's great to hear those ratchets as it quickly opens his mouth nice and wide for me. I also so enjoy hearing that gargled sound as he tries to breathe. I light up and begin to enjoy my cigarette, making sure my bitch is comfortable and ready to be my ashtray. As I continue to smoke, I flick my ash into his mouth making sure it's nice and hot. I want him to suffer and he must remain in his stressful position until I allow him to move. Having finished my cigarette and stubbed it out on my bitch's tongue. I'm so enjoying myself, and he makes such a good piece of furniture. I decide to have another cigarette. His mouth is now filling up with ash, and he's choking well. I finally finish him off with another hot stub out on his tongue and leaving him choking for my ash...
Ho appena finito di girare uno dei miei bellissimo video con questo schiavo molto fortunato, ed ora ho proprio la necessità di rilassarmi. E visto che ho uno schiavo a mia completa disposizione, quale modo migliore di usarlo se non come comoda sedia? Gli ordino di assumere la posizione servile e mi metto a mio agio. Mi siedo sulla sua gola con le mie gambe belle e potenti in sella al suo collo. Nel caso non si comporti in maniera adeguata, sarò in grado di schiacciare la sua testa tra le mia gambe fino a riportarlo nei ranghi. Ho anche un jennings gag che gli ficco in bocca, godendo del rumore dei piccoli cricchetti che obbligano la sua bocca a stare spalancata. Amo tanto ascoltare quel suono sgraziato mentre cerca di respirare. Mi accendo una sigaretta e mia assicuro che la mia puttana sia pronta ad essere il mio personale posacenere. Scrollo la cenere bella calda sulla sua lingua. Voglio e desidero la sua sofferenza per il mio assoluto piacere, obbligandolo a rimanere nella sua scomoda posizione fino al mio ordine di muoversi. Finisco la sigaretta e la spengo con forza sulla lingua della mia puttana. Mi sto divertendo davvero tanto con il mio particolarissimo complemento d'arredo. Decido di fumare un'altra sigaretta. Riempio la sua bocca di cenere fino a soffocarlo. Spengo nuovamente il mozzicone rovente sulla sua lingua, e lo lascio affogare nelle caldi e bollenti ceneri....