Today I'm going to have a exercise session with my bitch. I have him bound with his arms up in suspension. I warned him to keep his legs apart, if not I'll put a spreader bar between his feet. To get warmed up, I begin with some light kicks to his balls. I love to hear that slapping sound as I find my target. My slut is in the unfortunate position that he can't go to ground. As I continue to kick his balls harder, he squirms and tries to get relief by bringing his knees up. It's not going to save my bitch. I enjoy using my trapeze, and I use it to get my slut to kiss my feet as I swing up t...
Today I'm going to have a exercise session with my bitch. I have him bound with his arms up in suspension. I warned him to keep his legs apart, if not I'll put a spreader bar between his feet. To get warmed up, I begin with some light kicks to his balls. I love to hear that slapping sound as I find my target. My slut is in the unfortunate position that he can't go to ground. As I continue to kick his balls harder, he squirms and tries to get relief by bringing his knees up. It's not going to save my bitch. I enjoy using my trapeze, and I use it to get my slut to kiss my feet as I swing up to rest them on his head and face. It's also a good way to launch myself into some nice kicking positions, as my bitch soon finds out. Then I release him from the suspension and put him on the floor, as I dangle on my trapeze and use him as my foot rest. I also trample on his head and face, while at the same time crushing his balls. It's a great workout as I swing over my slut, finally standing on his face and balls to complete my cruel ballbusting exercise...
Oggi farò una sessione di allenamento con la mia puttana. L'ho legato con le braccia in sospensione. L'ho avvisato di tenere le gambe ben divaricate, altrimenti metterò una barra divaricatrice tra i suoi piedi. Per riscaldarmi, inizio con dei leggeri calci alle palle. Amo sentire il rumore del colpo andato a segno. La mia troia è nella sfortunata posizione di non poter cadere in terra. Lo prendo a calci nelle palle pesantemente, sempre più forte, lui si dimena e cerca di ottenere sollievo alzando le ginocchia. Ma ciò non lo aiuterà. Uso anche il mio trapezio, e sollevando i piedi per appoggiarli sulla sua testa gli ordino di baciarli e venerarli. Il trapezio è un ottimo sostegno per lanciarmi in alcune belle posizioni di calcio, come la mia lurida puttana scopre presto. Lo libero e lo costringo in terra, mentre penzolo sul mio trapezio e uso il mio schiavo come poggiapiedi. Lo calpesto anche sulla sua testa e sul suo viso, mentre allo stesso tempo schiaccio le sue palle. Sto svolgendo un ottimo allenamento, posiziono la mia troia in piedi, e colpisco duramente le sue palle per completare il mio crudele esercizio di ballbusting...