Today at DungeonRoma my mistress friend and I are going to enjoy some slut training. we have ordered our slave to take up his position on his knees between both of us. Dressed in a bra and panties, he's going to receive some training. For the occasion, my friend and me have chosen to wear sexy black pantyhose and our favourite stiletto heels. We begin by groping our slut then ordering him to pull down his panties. What a sight, we both laugh out loud at his tiny cock as it seems to disappear under his flabby belly. Then we get him on his back and begin to poke him ...
Today at DungeonRoma my mistress friend and I are going to enjoy some slut training. we have ordered our slave to take up his position on his knees between both of us. Dressed in a bra and panties, he's going to receive some training. For the occasion, my friend and me have chosen to wear sexy black pantyhose and our favourite stiletto heels. We begin by groping our slut then ordering him to pull down his panties. What a sight, we both laugh out loud at his tiny cock as it seems to disappear under his flabby belly. Then we get him on his back and begin to poke him with our stilettos, and I try to shove my heel into his tiny throbber? We continue to make fun of him, and he has to worship out feet. As we sit on the settee, we place our feet on his chest and dig our heels into him. He then has to show his gratitude as we allow him to get his tongue going, and suck on our beautiful stiletto heels. He's such a fortunate slut to have enjoyed the attention of two beautiful mistresses, for his e-sensual training...
Oggi al DungeoROma, Io e la amica insegneremo al nostro schiavo come diventare una brava puttanella. Abbiamo ordinato allo schiavo di assumere la sua posizione in ginocchio tra noi due. Su nostro ordine, si e' presentato al nostro cospetto indossando un reggiseno ed un paio di mutandine femminili. Per l'occasione, Io e la mia amica abbiamo scelto di indossare collant neri sexy e le nostre scarpe con tacchi a spillo preferite. Diamo inizio al training con il palpeggiamento della nostra troia, ordinandogli di abbassare le mutandine. Dinanzi al suo minuscolo cazzo, che sembra sparire sotto il suo ventre flaccido, entrambe sbottiamo a ridere a crepapelle. Lo stendiamo sulla schiena, e lo colpiamo con i nostri acuminati tacchi a spillo, ed Io cerco di spingere il mio tallone nel suo piccolo cazzettino. Continuiamo a torturarlo, obbligandolo ad adorare i nostri piedi. Ci sediamo sul divano, e posiamo i nostri piedi sul suo petto fino ad affondare i talloni. Deve mostrarci tutta la sua gratitudine mentre gli permettiamo di usare la lingua per succhiare i nostri bellissimi tacchi spillo. E' una puttana molto fortunata, e' stato onorato dell'insegnamento di due vere Maestre per il suo personalissimo e-sensual training...